Picasso at the Lapin Agile

Marcus is cast as the Visitor (Elvis) and thrilled to get back on stage and meet new people in Toronto.

Picasso at the Lapin Agile is a play written by Steve Martin in 1993. It features the characters of Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, who meet at a bar called the Lapin Agile (Nimble Rabbit) in Montmartre, Paris. It is set on October 8, 1904, and both men are on the verge of an amazing idea (Einstein will publish his special theory of relativity in 1905 and Picasso will paint Les Demoiselles d’Avignon in 1907) when they find themselves at the Lapin Agile, where they have a lengthy debate about the value of genius and talent while interacting with a host of other characters. (from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picasso_at_the_Lapin_Agile)

The show went great; I made some new friends – very important in a new town – and had a good time. Best follow-up FB message from Scott the week after: “So 6pm at the theatre right? Please say yes.” We all had pretty bad withdrawal.


Dazzling my audience with moves like Elvis!


Just before moving into the theatre. Group love!16998136_10158240050330257_2207192100187677600_n

Banner that I’m not in – still a good banner though.

14976439_10157700045840257_3591790373130450846_oRehearsal, pretty early on. We’re not off-book yet.

17038696_10158282453890257_5861188066751452218_oA toast!

17155565_10158282368375257_5848838883611535481_nThe King giving Picasso some advice.

17158942_10158282525670257_3003918197382760365_oFinished at last.