First a disclaimer! I have recently updated many things on the backend and a lot of stuff has disappeared so I am in the process of fixing it (A/O Dec 31, 2018).
I am passionate about performing on stage and camera, and have gotten pretty involved in film making in the last 5 years, graduating to providing paid services to fellow artists and now the general public producing trailers and institutional promotional videos with a soft launch in February 2018. For more information on my production abilities, examples of my work check out this page.
I moved to Toronto to pursue a Master’s degree and after graduating have been working to get a steady income. That is now on its way so I can return attention to my artistic side. My next major endeavor will be launching a business focused on providing scheduling and volunteer retention services to non-profit organizations using what I learned in my Master’s degree. But that’s not what this website is about, this is about artistic fun!
During my first year in the big T I was cast in Picasso at the Lapin Agile by Steve Martin for East Side Players and had a great time meeting people in my new home and reinforcing how great it is to act on stage. You can read about it and see some production pics under Past Projects. This year I will work on refreshing my YouTube channel in summer 2019.
Ever had a small irritation and wanted to say something about it? …And Another Thing might just be the segment you are looking for. Ever wanted to get back at people who do annoying things by doing it to them? Annoying Guy to the rescue! Check back soon.
I enjoyed my experience as a member of the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers (CSIF), being a VP of Workshop Theatre, and am now a proud member of LIFT, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto. Being involved with so many great people in so many ways is an experience I am thankful for. I would also like to congratulate the 2017-18 president of Workshop Theatre, and my good friend, Jacquie Brennan, on her presidency! Her family was instrumental in the creation of Workshop – who has shared origin history with Theatre Calgary before they branched out.
In the three years before making the big move I was been in four plays, filmed two of my own movies and done many film related side-jobs ranging from weddings to editing a fellow artist’s web content.
My first short film Starsky & Hatch: Living the Dream was a great learning experience. There were considerable production difficulties resulting in multiple re-writes and stretching production out to 3 months. The feature ended up being shorter than originally planned due to time limitations and was an amazing learning experience. You can see S&H under Youtube Videos. The lessons I learned filming S&H were put to good use on my next project.
My second film The River: Texas Hold’em Dating is currently in the post-production stage, I recently finished the initial timeline and now need to record some custom audio. It is a short comparing dating to poker because of the similarities of chance and opportunity. I was inspired by the tone of Quentin Tarantino’s monologue in Reservoir Dogs when I wrote it. Off-handed but insightful in a sideways kind of way. You can read about it in more detail under Current Projects.